How to Go to Kas in Turkey: Airport, Bus & Transport

It is possible to reach Kas by plane, bus journeys, and vehicle.

Which Airport to Go to Kas (Turkey) by Plane?

To arrive at Kas by plane, the closest airport is Dalaman Airport, which is 150 kilometers from the Kas center.

If you wish to come from Istanbul, the flight from Istanbul Airport or Sabiha Gökçen Airport to Dalaman Airport takes approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.

On the other hand, the flight to Kas via Antalya Airport will take 1 hour and 10 minutes. The distance between Antalya and Kas center is 190 kilometers in total.

Unfortunately, there is no bus between Dalaman and Kas. If you want to go to Kas from Dalaman Airport, you have to go to Fethiye first. The distance between Fethiye and Kas is 122 kilometers in total, and the bus or car journey from Fethiye takes 2 hours and 45 minutes. To reach Kas from Antalya after the plane journey, you first need to go to Antalya bus station by Havaş, metro, or bus.

After reaching the bus station in an hour, you can reach Kas at the end of a 4-hour journey with Batı Antalya minibusses.